Each year DBSD students and classes are selected to participate in various competitions.
Competition program assessments for each season take place in early June.
Late consideration for competition teams, performance teams, and extra pieces will be on an individual basis. Email Ms. Barb to set up an evaluation.
Please know that DBSD competition team members must ask for permission before competing with another studio. Staff will be able to assess the feasibility; we want our dancers to have opportunities, but need to make sure no conflicts arise.
Faculty will make their recommendations for solos, duos, trios and small groups, results will be emailed home. Extra rehearsal time, additional costumes, choreographer and entry fees will apply.
Classes are chosen to participate by individual instructors with input from senior faculty members, any class is eligible if the teacher decides the group is ready for an extra challenge.
Most company classes will take part in a minimum of three competitions per year.
The competition season ends with a wrap up party to celebrate as a team! Information is sent out prior to the event.
All competition and Company dancers must be enrolled in at least one ballet class, and one jazz technique class.
Tap and Hip Hop only dancers are exempt from ballet, Jazz technique requirements are on a per dancer basis.
Any requests otherwise must be made directly to Ms Barb, and will be considered for dancers who have graduated high school.
Dancers competing in Ballet or en Pointe must be enrolled in TWO Ballet classes. (Age levels apply, please ask)
Any questions, or concerns, regarding requirements are welcomed! Email dbsdoffice@gmail.com
Competition FAQ
Is there an opportunity to practice before competition?
Yes, we hold a dress rehearsal in studio prior to the first competition. As soon as we choose our dress rehearsal dates you will receive an email with all information. The Dates & Events page will be updated with all the times and details. It is mandatory that students attend this full dress-rehearsal. Dancers should arrive at their call time in full hair, costume and shoes, ready to perform.
When can we expect to receive the competition schedules?
Generally 2-3 weeks before the start of the competition
We strive to provide the schedule as soon as possible. Our Dates & Events page is updated with all the times and details as soon as we receive the finalized timetables. Typically sessions run between 8:00 AM and 11:00 PM, during the week and/or on weekends. There is a high possibility your child will be asked to dance anytime within this window on a weekday, Saturday, Sunday or a long weekend Friday or Monday.
How many times will the dancers perform their pieces at competition?
The dancers will perform each of their pieces once. Some competitions have a finals at the end that dancers may get to perform in again, in this case we will let families know when the dancers should be back as soon as we receive the finals schedule. The finals schedule won’t be known until near the end of competition.
*After you perform find your teacher FIRST before doing anything else. Parents, if your child comes to you first after performing please ask if they have checked in with their teacher.
When should we arrive at the venue?
There is much to do prior to the dancers taking the stage, such as a warm-up, costume check and one last chance for a routine run-through. Students must arrive in full makeup, costume and shoes using the following lead times:
Solos, Duos & Trios: 1.5 hours before the session start-time
Small groups and up: 2 hours before the session start-time
*If a dancer has multiple dances in a day, or a choreographer has multiple pieces in a session, some choreographers may try to warm up and rehearse multiple pieces at once. Dancers must find their choreographer or DBSD faculty upon arrival to know the plan. Some dancers may have quick changes for pieces, we know this ahead of time and try to make sure they get the rehearsal time needed for everything.
What do families do during warm up/rehearsal time?
Once a dancer is connected with us at comp and knows where to go, we ask that families give the dancer space with their choreographer and/or teacher to prepare for stage. You are free to go and come back, hang out in the audience, hang out in the lobby, etc! Once a dancer is done on stage please come and find us after the dancer has checked in with their teacher! If you’re staying for awards and the dancer doesn’t have another piece, dancers can stay with you during the interim. We try to take group photos after each awards session.
Teachers and fellow DBSD dancers can help with things like hair changes, makeup changes etc. If you need to help with something specific, please check in with the teacher so we know where your dancer is. We try to keep the change room space for teachers and dancers but understand if you need to come back and help!
*We encourage dancers age 10 and up to start being able to do their own hair and makeup. Practice makes progress!
What should we bring with us?
In addition to costumes, shoes and any props - a dancer's toolkit should also contain extra tights; makeup (extra lipstick for touch ups and lipstick in different shades if applicable); hairspray; comb/brush; extra bobby-pins; hair net if you are wearing a bun; safety pins; a needle and thread; screwdriver for tightening tap shoes; diamond (cubic zirconia) earrings and always triple-check everything before leaving the house.
*Dancers should have a device with their music and headphones for solo practice
How do judging/awards sessions work?
There is an awards session that concludes each session of the competition. Please note the time of your awards session on your schedule. The dancers will come back at this time and go up on the stage with all of the dancers who performed in the session and sit down together. If a dancer gets called up for a special award they will stand up and walk up to the judge to listen to their comments and thank them for the award. Then, each dancer will get called up to get their ribbon, medal, etc. After awards please find your teacher before doing anything else! Dancers are encouraged to either wear their costume or DBSD competition jacket or DBSD merch during awards.
*Sometimes dancers need to be ready for a piece that is soon after awards, in this case they may need to change into their next costume before the awards session.
After the competition, teachers will have access to the video judging website. They will find time in studio to go over the judges comments with the dancer and their own comments before the next competition.